Merchandise Management
These Warranty Service and Returns Procedures help to ensure our customers are satisfied with their purchases. The provisions of these procedures demonstrate commitment from both of our companies to provide customers with a defect-free product that performs to the Customers' expectations.
This document provides Canada vendor systems and contacts. Please download for future reference.
This section contains important policies and requirements for our Vendor Partners in Canada.
This page reviews information about the Policy Transportation and Storage of Dangerous Goods, the Environmental Policy and the Best Buy Canada Privacy Policy.
Best Buy Canada makes it easy for our customers to have a seamless in-store experience with your products.
With the desire to expand into new categories, we are looking for Vendor Partners willing to maintain ownership of their product until point of sale. With our strong emphasis on the customer experience, we prefer to maintain control of the fulfillment of product to the customer, whilst keeping costs of such fulfillment at a minimum.
Best Buy requires all consumer electronic products it purchases to pass nationally certified laboratory testing standards. This includes all such products intended for resale via its retail stores and internet web sites operating under the Best Buy brand.
The Consumer Product Safety Act protects the public by addressing or preventing dangers to human health or safety posed by consumer products in Canada, including those that circulate within Canada and those that are imported (“Recalled Product”). This section defines what actions are required under the Act, and the measures we have implemented to ensure the safety of our employees.
Return Discrepancy Notice Form. Once complete, please submit the claim with all required back-up documentation by e-mail.
The SKU Setup Guidelines are the necessary first steps that allow us to receive and sell products. All information pertaining to each item is captured at a single point before we are able to purchase anything for the first time.
This procedure serves as a guide on how to file a claim in the event you choose to dispute a deduction taken by Best Buy Canada Ltd.
This document serves as a guide on how to file a Dispute in the event you choose to dispute a deduction taken by Best Buy Canada Ltd.
Vendors are responsible for all product information relating to the specifications, marketing, sales and servicing of products, including without limitation, product specifications, facts, claims, advertisements, images and other textual, graphical, multimedia or other content regarding the products (Vendor Content) made available to Best Buy from time to time, directly or indirectly, including, without limitation, by Vendor or by third parties making Vendor Content available.
As a vendor participating in the VDF Program, you will benefit from additional sales in current categories, as well as new categories outside the traditional consumer electronics products sold by Best Buy. The exposure provided is enormous.
This page is intended to help you move from a potential VDF supplier to an active supplier. As an active vendor with Best Buy Canada's Vendor Direct program, you will find important information and tutorials needed for the onboarding process.
These guidelines standardize how we conduct business as partners with our vendor community. They offer guidance on listing SKUs, shipping product, accounting, and reverse logistics.
This page contains all sections of Exhibit B: Warranty Service and Returns Procedures.