0.0 - General Information
RDC Routing & Shipping Guide
- RDC Home Page
- 0.0 General Information
- 1.0 Best Buy Receive-Ready
- 2.0 Receive-Ready Items (SKUs)
- 3.0 Receive-Ready Cartons
- 4.0 Receive-Ready Pallets/Bundles
- 5.0 Receive-Ready Trailers
- 6.0 Receive-Ready Documents
- 7.0 Receive-Ready Appointments (Scheduling)
- 8.0 Additional TV Requirements
- 9.0 Premium Design Center (PDC) DC Requirements
- 10.0 Courier Door
- 11.0 Collect Vendor Routing and Shipping
- 12.0 Collect Carrier Tender and Shipping
- 13.0 Terms and Definitions
Regional Distribution Centers (RDCs)
Regional Distribution Centers (RDCs)
- For Best Buy location numbers, location names, addresses, and contact information, visit the Location Search tool on the Partner Portal
- Enter ‘Location Search’ in the Search box at the top of the page OR
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Location Search’ in the Helpful Links section
- For access to the Partner Portal
- Contact your company’s Vendor Security Admin (VSA).
- If you do not know your company’s VSA, contact PartnerSupport@bestbuy.com.
Best Buy "Business Days"
- Throughout this document, any mention of “Business Days” references a specific set of assumptions explained here.
- Not to be confused for DDC inbound receiving days, corporate business days are typically Monday through Friday.
- Weekends and the following seven (7) U.S. observed holidays are not considered Business Days:
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
- If one of the above holidays falls on a...
- Saturday, then the prior Friday will be considered a non-business day.
- Sunday, then the following Monday will be considered a non-business day.
Vendor EDI Requirements
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of business data in standard formats. It is the way to speed the flow of data by exchanging documents electronically, thus eliminating the need for manual processes.
- As part of the Vendor Master Agreement (VMA), Best Buy requires an EDI solution be in place for the following required documents within the designated timeframes as a means to conduct business. The following documents are mandatory via traditional EDI and must be in production prior to the first PO being cut to the trading partner.
- Completed testing for all EDI transmission types must occur and is coordinated with Best Buy’s EDI Team at EDISupport@bestbuy.com.
What is an ASN and when should it be used?
What is an ASN?
- The EDI 856/ASN (Advance Ship Notice) is an electronic version of a printed packing slip used to provide detailed information about a pending delivery of goods. The ASN describes contents that have been shipped, size of shipment, carrier moving the order, and ship dates so the delivery destination is able to facilitate planning and receiving.
- 856 Advance Ship Notice [ASN] X12 v4030 – Core Domestic. Note: For information on the technical requirements, please contact EDISupport@bestbuy.com. For all other ASN questions, please contact ASNOperations@bestbuy.com.
When should an ASN be used?
- An ASN is required for every shipment.
- TL: A single, unique ASN is preferred for each truckload. ASNs should not be split across multiple trailers. Note: There should never be more than one ASN on a single pallet.
- LTL: Each pallet (or lowest shipping configuration) is considered a unique shipment and requires a unique ASN.
- For example, if four pallets are being shipped LTL, then there should be four ASNs (one for each pallet).
- Parcel: Each package requires a unique ASN.
- Timing of transmission
- ASN should be sent at the time of shipping.
- ASNs or replacement ASNs are required prior to yard entry at the Best Buy distribution center.
ASN Technical Specifications
- An SSCC number cannot be reused within a rolling 18-month period.
- All SSCCs should be physically applied to the appropriate and matching ASN structure.
- BOL /PRO for EDI must match BOL/PRO on appointment in TMS. This is utilized for Appointment match.
- Vendors must specify a shipment type of either LT=LTL, M=FTL, or D=Parcel
- For DDC shipments, only a single SKU per SSCC is allowed. If there is a need to have mixed SKU pallets for transportation cube optimization, either: (1) Include carton SSCCs or (2) Apply multiple tare SSCCs to the pallet—1 tare SSCC per each SKU.
- For detailed ASN technical specifications, see the EDI Implementation Guide on the Best Buy Partner Portal.
ASN Accuracy and Compliance
- ASN Item, quantity, PO, SSCC, PRO (if available), and BOL data is expected to reflect the physical commodity and label it describes. Any deviation will be considered a violation.
- During this transition period, Best Buy is not charging vendors for violations to the above policies. However, in the future there may be a chargeback program to promote compliance.
Packaging, Environmental and Recycling Attributes
For questions about this section, email: EnvironmentalServices@bestbuy.com.
- Best Buy is committed to recycling our packaging materials at our distribution centers to help meet our 85% waste
diversion goal across our US operations. In order for Best Buy to keep this commitment, the following packaging attributes
are required.
- These materials should not be affixed together. (i.e. EPS should not be glued to cardboard, nor should cardboard be embedded within foam or other material.)
- Packaging should limit using wood/metal unless it is needed for structural integrity and to reduce damage.