Application Catalog

View & access applications

Available applications

The available applications section displays all applications within the catalog, including a general overview about the application, links to user guide documentation, and instructions on how to get access to that application.

Clicking the title of an application brings you to the corresponding user guide documentation, from which you can also launch an application.

For logged in users, the Dashboard lists some relevant available applications based on which type of partner you are with Best Buy. You can also view the full catalog for more options.


How to get access to an application

Each application has a “How to get access” page with information specific to that application.

NOTE: The “Launch” button may not be visible for certain applications until you have access. See launch an application for more information. 


Launch an application

The application user guide pages and site search results display a Launch button, which takes you to the application.

NOTE: Some applications will not display the Launch button. This happens when the application shares single sign on recognition with your login credentials to Partner Portal. To enable the Launch button, follow the steps in How to get access to an application.

Application user guide

Each application has a corresponding user guide with supporting information and the ability to contact a support team or provide feedback

  • Overview – This page provides the general purpose or primary functions performed within an application to help you determine if it’s relevant to you.
  • How to get access – This page provides instructions on how to get setup to access this application. 
  • Additional pages – User guides may include additional pages with more information on general functions or instructions on how to use the app.

If available, the Launch button may be available from the user guide pages. (See launch an application for more information).

Provide feedback

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, still have an issue, or have an idea or feedback – you can get in touch with a support team or provide feedback directly to our technical product management team. 


Search for an application

When using site search, the search results page provides ways to find and launch an application. 

In the search results listing, each application has a blue badge and includes the Launch button (If available, see launch an application for more information).

Selecting ‘Application’ in the Content Type filter panel on the left narrows your search results to only show Applications. 


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