Accounting Guideline - Overview - Canada

Published 12/12/2018, 08:23 PM
Last Update 05/31/2022, 05:52 PM

Prerequisite Steps: Agreements Phase

Best Buy Contact:

Vendor Involvement: Vendor Accounting

Required Actions:

1. You will be required to register for a free online portal which will provide visibility to all invoices, payments and deductions. Fill out the application here. This gives you access to Accounting Vendor Portal, which is the only method available for viewing account details and filing claims. Registration is totally free!

  • Procedures and registration process 
  • There is a section, during registration, that asks for payment type. However, you MUST enter the promo code we provide in the procedures and select check/money order. This will allow you to bypass the payment section and you will not be charged for anything.

2. All invoices must be submitted electronically (e.g. EDI).

3. Ensure “Total Amount” on invoices equals “Tax Amount” plus “SubTotal Amount.” Failure will result in unpaid invoices.

4. Ensure invoiced tax amount relates the province in which your DC resides. Your address is the “Ship-To" location, NOT Best Buy Canada’s DC address.

5. Bill To:
Best Buy Canada Canadian Headquarters
Suite 102, 425 West 6th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Y 1L3

Maximum time expected to complete: 3 Weeks

Outcome of Phase: Able to view account details & file claims on portal

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