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User Guide

Dock Scheduling TMS/JDA

EDI and Dock Scheduling

Carriers who utilize either EDI 212 or EDI 163 messages will be able to transmit their appointment request electronically from their system to the JDA Dock Scheduling portal.

The appointment requests should contain the same information that you would use if entering through the JDA portal. This includes the Best Buy location ID, all associated shipments with underlying POs, BOL information, and carton counts for each delivering PO.

The sub-sections on this page detail each EDI message and the different variables when submitting your appointment request via EDI vs. the JDA Dock Scheduling portal.

EDI 212

Will I receive an email if there are errors with my appointment request?

  • You will receive an emailed report (Invalid 212 Report) for any loads that have errored from your EDI 212 request. To be added to the report, email the Scheduling team.
  • If your appointment request failed due to non-compliance with the EDI 212 specs, you will receive a response back via EDI.

How do I correct errors on my appointment request?

  1. Submit an update/replacement (05) via the EDI 212 message, correcting the information,
  2. Create a new delivery request through the JDA Portal in Appt Management.

Can I modify my appointment?

  • Yes. You can send an update/replacement (05) via the EDI 212 message, or you can modify via the JDA Portal.

Can I cancel my appointment?

  • Yes. You can submit a cancelation (01) request via the EDI 212 message.

Will I receive an email confirming my appointment?

  • You will receive an emailed report (Ship Level Carrier Schedule) for your scheduled loads, which is sent 3 times a day. To be added to the report, email the Scheduling team.
EDI 163

Will I receive an email if there are errors with my appointment request?

  • No. You will receive an outbound EDI 163 message containing information on the error type.

How do I correct errors on my appointment request?

Follow one of the below options:

  1. Submit a new EDI 163 message with the corrected information
  2. Create a new delivery request through the JDA portal in Appt Management.

Can I modify my appointment?

  • Yes. You can submit an update or reschedule request via the 163 message, or you can modify via the JDA Portal.

Can I cancel my appointment?

  • Yes. You can submit a cancelation request via the EDI 163 message.

Will I receive an email confirming my appointment?

  • The outbound EDI 163 message should be used for confirming your appointments. You will also receive an emailed report (Ship Level Carrier Schedule) for your scheduled loads, which is sent 3 times a day. To be added to the report, email the Scheduling team.
JDA Portal

Will I receive an email if there are errors with my appointment request?

  • Yes.

How do I correct errors on my appointment request?

  • Go into Appt Management and fix the errors on the request.
  • The JDA User Guide sections on Modifying/Rescheduling Delivery Requests have further instructions.

Can I modify my appointment?

  • Yes.

Can I cancel my appointment?

  • Yes.

Will I receive an email confirming my appointment?

  • Yes.
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