This page contains information regarding Approved Drop Carrier partnerships, and a list of US Approved Carriers.
To interface with Best Buy Logistics and Best Buy Transportation, refer to this Delivery Distribution Center (DDC) Inbound Shipping Guide.
Carrier EDI 163 Transportation Appointment Request Form
Statement regarding the importation of Radio Frequency Devices capable of causing harmful interference.
Declaration for imported electronic products subject to Radiation Control Standards.
This section contains information for scheduling Premium Design Center (PDC) appointments.
This section contains information on Proof of Delivery Expectations.
Reverse Logistics Centers/RLC Guidelines - Customer Returns
This guide should be referenced for Core Product Purchase Orders, not for SDF (Supplier Direct Fulfillment) orders.
To interface with Best Buy Logistics and Best Buy Transportation, refer to this Non-Merch/GNFR Routing, Shipping and Labeling Guide, which details Best Buy’s requirements for shipments from our Partners.
To interface with Best Buy Logistics and Best Buy Transportation, refer to this Regional Distribution Center (RDC) Inbound Shipping Guide.
To interface with Best Buy Logistics and Transportation, refer to this US Vendor Direct Import Routing and Shipping Guide, which details Best Buy’s requirements for shipments from our Partners.
There is no scheduled training for this area at this time.